Saturday 14 January 2012

Very Mini Haul! new year's resolution is to STOP BUYING MAKE UP. That's right, I actually wrote that...
Instead of  buying more make up in shades that I actually already have, I need to start loving what I do have ...I bet I have a lot of forgotten items which deserve to be used a lot more than they actually are!
So I'm going to try to use up everything, or at least hit pan on stuff such as eyeshadow and blush/bronzer/highlighter.
But...I had to give in one last time. It's like stuffing yourself with your favourite foods before starting a diet!
Although, in my defence, I managed to control myself very well.
I only bought TWO things.
Yes, I know, absurd! Here's what I got...

La mia risoluzione per il 2012 è di smettere di comprare make up! Assurdo vero? Devo veramente iniziare ad usare di più le cose che ho...sperando di finirne qualcuna!
Ma dovevo fare un paio di ultimissimi acquisti...prima di cominciare il periodo di carestia!
Sono stata piuttosto brava però, ho comprato solo due cose!!! Eccole...

Guerlain Parure de Nuit 

I wanted this as soon as I saw the pictures. How could you not want it? It's simply stunning! Just look at it!

Amore a prima vista....è bellissima! 

This beautiful powder is almost too pretty to be used. Almost. You see, I'm not a collector...and while I do love pretty make up items, I wil NEVER buy something just to stare at it. Which means that, starting tomorrow, I will use this powder until it's all gone! Make up is meant to be enjoyed and I definitely didn't spend 46 € just to look at it!

Questa polvere è quasi troppo bella per usarla. Quasi! Io non colleziono make up, se compo un oggetto è per usarlo fino all'ultimo! E certamente non l'ho pagata 46 € per ammirarla senza usarla! 

Catrice - C'mon Chamaleon 

I have found the perfect dupe for MAC Club. And the best part? It was only 3.29 €!!
Enough said!!

Ho trovato il dupe perfetto di MAC Club. E costa solo 3.29 €! 

This picture really doesn't do it justice though, I'll be posting a review soon enough!

So that's it, that's all I bought! 
(Although I really really want the Rouge Automatique in Nuit d'Amour!) 


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